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(P)XRD Analysis

Important information for this page

This page contains a collection of ideas to give inline notations for analytical data in the future. We provide this page to discuss options for a clear formatting of descriptions - but there is no need to adapt to the given rules at the moment. This is a test area. Nevertheless: if you have suggestions and comments: please let us know or provide your ideas via the issue tracking option.

Metadata: Measurement type (fix = XRD), source that is used (e.g. Cu Kα, needs to come from user input in layout), general information on the data recorded/plotting (fix = 2θ [°] (d [nm])). Therefore, the inline notation should look like:

XRD (Cu Kα1, 0.15406 nm, xxx °C), 2θ [°] (d [nm]): 5.2 (1.68), 10.1 (0.83)