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Cyclic Voltammetry

Supported file formats

For Cyclic Voltammetry analysis, we currently support JCAMP-DX files (*.jcamp, *.dx, *.jdx), zip (in BagIt format) files.

How to

  1. To upload and view your data, you can follow this instruction.

  2. Select which spectrum that you want to view: chemspectra cv select curve

  3. Select which spectrum that you want to work with: chemspectra cv select curve to work

  4. Select to add max and min peaks: chemspectra cv add peaks

  5. Select to add peckers: chemspectra cv add peckers

  6. Add or delete peaks: chemspectra cv add or delete peaks

  7. Add reference value:

    • Values before set reference: chemspectra cv before set reference
    • Select reference value by using check box, then click on Set Reference button: chemspectra cv before set reference
    • The values and plot of spectrum was shifted based on reference value after clicking on Set Reference button: chemspectra cv before set reference
  8. Optional Download your analyzed data as table format:

    • Open analyses tab, scroll down to Datasets section, click on which data you want to see the details: chemspectra cv view open dataset
    • Select your analyzed csv file to download: chemspectra cv select csv chemspectra cv csv

Demo Video

A video demonstrating how to work with Cyclic Voltammetry in Chemotion ELN